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USCAA Marathon
Cincinnati, OH
Sun May 4, 2025
- 2000 USCAA Corporate Marathon Results -

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For USCAA relay results, see the complete relay results
There were two USCAA relay teams: GE Runners (5th-male) and Aerospace (6th-mixed)

7 Division I and 2 Division II teams - 128 runners

official scores

Individual Results
Sorted by
List of individuals sorted by time
List of individuals sorted by name
gender, time
List of individuals grouped by gender
age group, time
List of individuals grouped by age group
Team Results
Sorted by
team, individual score
Each team's runners sorted by individual score
team place
Overall team scores and places

other scoring methods

CAG = Corporate Age Group scoring (place in your corp. age group, official scoring method)
DEC = Decathlon scoring (your time compared to USATF marathon record for your age group)
AGT = Age Group Time scoring (your time compared to USCAA finishers in your age group)

Individual Results
Sorted by
List of individuals sorted by time
List of individuals sorted by name
gender, time
List of individuals grouped by gender
age group, time
List of individuals grouped by age group
Team Results
Sorted by
team, individual CAG score
Each team's runners sorted by individual CAG score
team, individual DEC score
Each team's runners sorted by individual DEC score
team, individual AGT score
Each team's runners sorted by individual AGT score
team, time
Each team's runners sorted by time
team place
Overall team scores and places
Sorted by
gender, age group
USATF marathon records used in DEC scoring

team results (html or MS Word)